Magnesium Magnesium
Hardly any cell devoid of magnesium is associated with activity largely concentration of calcium in cells. The importance of magnesium in activating enzymes that are composition Algljkoz and its importance in cell growth and reproduction.
What are the sources?
Green plant parts and hazelnuts, almonds, apricots, dates
Iodine Iodine
There iodine in some parts of the body except that there is a lot in the thyroid gland and if Say this reason element amplified. The iodine tonic for the forces of the heart and helps the body to put toxic waste that is generated from the protein absorbed by the walls of the intestine and go with the blood and lead to hardening of the arteries. It also has an important role in helping the body resistance against diseases, he Galloway thought, is a matter of comfort and struggling nervous tension and insomnia.
What are the sources?
Generally found in seafood, as there is in sea salt and a very partial quantities in black radish, asparagus, carrots the, Bannadorh, spinach
Vitamins Vitamins
Discovered vitamins inferred benefits are for organic chemical materials are of great importance in maintaining the body's health, which is difficult to interpret material in the proper sense. The emergence of vitamins because in the world of nutrition to the period between 1820-1910 when it became clear to scientists that the disease beriberi, scurvy and rickets is only generated diseases of malnutrition from a lack of certain materials. The word vitamin fired you mark the year 1912 a name for this organic material, and include the word vitamin syllables (FTAA) and (Maine), and that word as a whole indicates that it amine necessary for life. But research and analysis proved that the real installation of vitamins does not end amines and vitamins but several other compounds mixed to the letters of the alphabet code (a) A, (b) B, (c) C, (d) D, etc.. The alphabet used Aruban to signify it because you do not know the chemical composition of the initially. The literature on these vitamins aimed at one thing essential is the knowledge of these properties, and was made possible discovery of the chemical composition of these vitamins after placing these names alphabet. The vitamins are divided into two groups:
What is the origin of vitamins?
The origin of vitamins vegetarian, but there are members of the animal where it is transmitted through plant nutrition. Also, vitamin (a) and (d) There shall be established and consists in cod liver from his food Balaazaviat marine plant scattered at sea.
And modern science has made vitamins intensive manufactured and varied and are medicated for those not feasible for them nutrition from nature to the absence of some plants that contain these elements in their own country but who fed continuously according to the basic food groups do not need them because the care vitamins pharmaceutical as found in their diet sufficient quantities of types vitamins that the body needs.
Vitamins Questions and Answers Vitamins Q & A
Hardly any cell devoid of magnesium is associated with activity largely concentration of calcium in cells. The importance of magnesium in activating enzymes that are composition Algljkoz and its importance in cell growth and reproduction.
What are the sources?
Green plant parts and hazelnuts, almonds, apricots, dates
Iodine Iodine
There iodine in some parts of the body except that there is a lot in the thyroid gland and if Say this reason element amplified. The iodine tonic for the forces of the heart and helps the body to put toxic waste that is generated from the protein absorbed by the walls of the intestine and go with the blood and lead to hardening of the arteries. It also has an important role in helping the body resistance against diseases, he Galloway thought, is a matter of comfort and struggling nervous tension and insomnia.
What are the sources?
Generally found in seafood, as there is in sea salt and a very partial quantities in black radish, asparagus, carrots the, Bannadorh, spinach
Vitamins Vitamins
Discovered vitamins inferred benefits are for organic chemical materials are of great importance in maintaining the body's health, which is difficult to interpret material in the proper sense. The emergence of vitamins because in the world of nutrition to the period between 1820-1910 when it became clear to scientists that the disease beriberi, scurvy and rickets is only generated diseases of malnutrition from a lack of certain materials. The word vitamin fired you mark the year 1912 a name for this organic material, and include the word vitamin syllables (FTAA) and (Maine), and that word as a whole indicates that it amine necessary for life. But research and analysis proved that the real installation of vitamins does not end amines and vitamins but several other compounds mixed to the letters of the alphabet code (a) A, (b) B, (c) C, (d) D, etc.. The alphabet used Aruban to signify it because you do not know the chemical composition of the initially. The literature on these vitamins aimed at one thing essential is the knowledge of these properties, and was made possible discovery of the chemical composition of these vitamins after placing these names alphabet. The vitamins are divided into two groups:
- The first group in the fat-soluble and include vitamins (a) A, (d) D, (e) E, (k) K.
- The second group are soluble in water and include Ensuring (c) C and Ensuring family (b) B.
What is the origin of vitamins?
The origin of vitamins vegetarian, but there are members of the animal where it is transmitted through plant nutrition. Also, vitamin (a) and (d) There shall be established and consists in cod liver from his food Balaazaviat marine plant scattered at sea.
And modern science has made vitamins intensive manufactured and varied and are medicated for those not feasible for them nutrition from nature to the absence of some plants that contain these elements in their own country but who fed continuously according to the basic food groups do not need them because the care vitamins pharmaceutical as found in their diet sufficient quantities of types vitamins that the body needs.
Vitamins Questions and Answers Vitamins Q & A
- What are vitamins?
Vitamins are substances that membership found in food and are essential for growth and to rebuild tissue and tissue so you properly Boziguetha. - What is the number of available vitamins?
There are 13 vitamin. In addition to vitamin A A and c C and D, D, and E E There are 8 vitamins belong to a vitamin B B a thiamine thiamin (B-1 or B1), riboflavin riboflavin (B-2 or B1), pyridoxine pyridoxine (b 6 or B6), Cianokubolamin cynocobalamin (B-12 or B12), biotin biotin (H or H), folic acid folic acid (b or c Bc), niacin niacin (pp or PP) and Albantothin acid pantothenic acid (5 or B5) - Where the word came from vitamin vitamin?
After that was the discovery that the food contains the key factors to maintain good health, the American world Polish origin Casimir Funk Casimir Funk fired naming Viaminac vitamins on these factors. The word is derived from the two to Atinettan words vita means life and amine symbol of compounds that contain nitrogen. Later discovery that not all vitamins contain Natrouhan and but did not change the name because of the spread of use - What is the difference in Ben-soluble vitamins in the water, water-soluble and those that dissolve in fat fat-soluble?
Vitamins are divided into two sections:
- Soluble vitamins in water and vitamin C and B-complex (C, B complex)
- Soluble vitamins in a fat vitamins A, D, E, K (A, D, E and K).
Soluble vitamins are stored in the fat tissues of the body. The vitamins that are soluble in water (except vitamin B12) it can not be stored in the body relatively, but this must be compensated constantly - Why the importance of vitamins?
Vitamins involved in the biochemical reactions that convert food into energy. The vitamins are essential for the continuation of the various functions of the body and build tissues ores. Without vitamins can not be the continuation of human life. And long-term vitamin deficiency cause health disorders as possible cause of death in very severe cases. - What is vitamin deficiency governor?
Vitamin deficiency governor leads to the appearance of general symptoms such as irritability irritability, lack of or lack of appetite lack of appetite, fatigue or fatigue fatigue. Lack of vitamins Mahgoub continuing in the near term or medium hinders sense to enjoy good health and contribute to the development of chronic diseases - What is beta-carotene?
Beta carotene is a source of vitamin A (retinol retinol) It is located in food Alniati. It belongs to a family of compounds called carotenoids the crotenoids, which give color orange and yellow discerning for Goake and vegetables. It is also present in green leafy vegetables, dark green. Sometimes called named beta-carotene or provitamin A proviatmin A (or pre-vitamin A) because it turns into retinol retinol in the body. And currently trying to research discovery and other functions of the beta-carotene - Do you give vitamins energy?
Both. But vitamins help convert food into energy. It is not able to increase your physical capacity to take up additional amounts of vitamins. The only exception to this is in the case of vitamin deficiency Mahgoub, for example, because of a daily diet is balanced, and suffer from fatigue as a result, the additional intake of vitamins to restore the natural balance of vitamins in the body lead to an improvement in the estimated physical - Can you replace the contents of the other food vitamins such as metals?
Both. Can not replace or substitute for any of the contents of vitamins other food. And vice versa, can not be replaced or compensation for the contents of other food with vitamins - Are vitamins weight gain caused?
Both. Vitamins do not contain calories. But vitamin preparations which had been bought on the market may contain few calories in sugar-coated layer. But quantity is very small
- Is taking vitamins increases appetite?
If you do not get the sufficient amount of vitamins, particularly vitamin A, B 1 and c A, B1 and C, you lose appetite, and can repair the loss of appetite in this case to take up additional quantities of these vitamins. If you get you need balanced vitamins, additional intake of vitamins will not affect appetite. - Is the body can manufacture vitamins that you need?
No, except vitamin D and niacin, but few quantities Asanaan not enough. To this must be obtained on the needs of the body of vitamins from external Massard. - What is meant by vitamin B complex?
Intended vitamin B complex group vitamins containing thiamine thiamin (B-1 or B1), riboflavin riboflavin (B-2 or B1), pyridoxine pyridoxine (b 6 or B6), Cianokubolamin cynocobalamin (B-12 or B12), biotin biotin (H or H), acid Folic folic acid (b or c Bc), niacin niacin (pp or PP) and Albantothin acid pantothenic acid (5 or B5). A group of vitamins that are soluble in water, which should continue to be compensation for losing them from the body because the survival of the body short. Although they are classified under one set of each vitamin and his own distinctive and unique. - If he had been named vitamins alphabetical sequence, why has several vitamins belong to the group?
After the discovery of vitamin A vitamin B was discovered and they thought that only one vitamin, but later it was discovered that vitamin B is a set of Afattaaminac which dissolve in water. To distinguish between these vitamins have been added numbers to their names, and resulted in vitamins B 1, B 2 ... Today, there are 8 vitamins in the B group. And one of them called the B-12, and this indicates that it has been canceled several articles of this group proved that they do not belong to the group of B vitamins. - I saw the name vitamin p vitamin P and vitamin St. vitamin U. Two vitamins?
Both. The group of Albeofflawoonoad bioflavonoids and Hspareden hesperidin and Dzitin quercetin and rutin called routine mistake vitamin p vitamin P. Albeofflawoonoad group found in citrus fruits and Al_khasroat but are not considered basic food items. The vitamin vitamin U St., is similar to vitamins pseudo vitamins and is found in cabbage (cabbage) cabbage and green vegetables is certainly not a vitamin. - What is vitamin and vitamin F?
Some little vitamin and when referring to linoleic acid linoleic acid, which is a essential fatty acid essential fatty acid found in unsaturated fat polyunsaturated fats such as sunflower oil (sold) sun sunflower and safflower (Safflower or hard) safflower. Linoleic acid is not a vitamin. - Is the so-called 15 and 17 are vitamins?
Albannagmik acid pangamic acid and Allatre laetrile and who called them at 15 and 17 is recognized as vitamins by scientific bodies. These labels are misleading and dangerous also because eating Latrell oral large quantities lead to its transformation into a highly toxic substance called Saanaed cyanide by enzymes of the body. - Can you get all the vitamins they need from food?
Yes, but only if eating a balanced diet and adequate. This includes eating fruits and vegetables, cereals and pulses, milk or milk products, proteins, such as meat and eggs. If your meals do not contain any of these four groups permanently, or if you're dealing with small amounts or a small number of meals, you might not get all you need from food Afattaaminac. - What is the best dietary source of vitamin A and C A & C?
Yellow and orange vegetables and green leafy rich in beta-carotene. Liver, eggs, milk, butter and ghee are excellent sources of vitamin A. It is a rich source of vitamin C, citrus fruits, strawberries (strawberries) strawberries, broccoli (cauliflower) cauliflower, broccoli (a type of small types of green broccoli) broccoli, cabbage (cabbage) cabbage, potatoes, potatoes, and tomatoes (tomatoes) tomatoes. - How do I know if I eat what I need vitamins?
The only sure way to know this is to measure the level of vitamins in the blood. But was dating that does not get its needs of vitamins for a long time he suffers at least if a deficiency in vitamins marginal (close to the minimum concentration of vitamins) marginal vitamin deficiency and may suffer from loss of appetite, fatigue, lack of concentration, irritability and tension irritability, laziness or sleep rapt (difficulty waking from sleep) and thinner lethargy & insomina. If you are not experiencing any of these symptoms and you are interested in eating balanced meals you can say that you are dealing with proficiency of vitamins.- What happens if I miss what I need vitamins for a day or two?
If you normally get your needs vitamins and you are healthy, the shortage of vitamins for a week or even two weeks will not hurt you. But if the food and meals is balanced and you suffer from a chronic lack of vitamins, it will suffer from the symptoms of vitamin deficiency. - Do you get what I need from vitamin D if you spend a long time in the sunlight?
Average adult can get its requirement of vitamin D through exposure to sunlight enough. Because vitamin D is essential for the growth and development of the skeletal needs of infants, children, pregnant and lactating women of vitamin D are larger. Evidence suggests that older people may not need additional amounts of vitamin D because the skin loses its ability to manufacture vitamin D with age. - Is it possible to suffer from a lack of vitamins without realizing it?
Probably yes. The incidence of deficiencies in vitamins establish slowly and gradually, and in the early stages there is probably no obvious symptoms. Called this stage the case of lack marginal in vitamins (close to the minimum concentration of vitamins) subclinical or marginal vitamin deficiency and may be associated loss of appetite, fatigue, lack of concentration, irritability or tension irritability, laziness or sleep rapt (difficulty waking from sleep) or thinner lethargy or insomina. - Is there habits or certain stages of life where taking vitamins is particularly necessary?
Yes. Fadat poor nutrition or unhealthy be widespread among adolescents, the elderly, and followers of the diet. As for pregnant and lactating women, smokers, and women who use the pill increases the needs of their vitamins. But you will find that a lot of doctors prescribe vitamins and minerals to protect against the expected lack of vitamins. - What are the vitamins that I need as a pregnant or lactating woman?
Due to increased demand on the body of the fetus or baby, pregnant and lactating women increase their needs for vitamin A and C A & C, B 1, B 6, B-12, folic acid and iron and calcium metal. This increase in nutritional requirements call for attention and you should consult your doctor before taking vitamin and mineral products. - I try to reduced my weight so I eat fewer meals. Does this mean that I get what I need vitamins?
Diet food or diet to lose weight is harder than you think. Vo_khasaúa nutrition agree it's hard to get all the needs of vitamins by a daily diet containing 1,600 calories or less. Therefore it is advisable to eat additional vitamins If you want to follow the diet for a long time. - Why the elderly suffer from difficulty in getting their vitamins?
Mostly older suffer from a lack of appetite and tend to eat small amounts. And there are also other factors lead to the formation of bad feeding habits, such as dental problems, financial difficulties, unity and therefore do not want to food processing. As the aging may lead to poor absorption of vitamins from the intestine it is advisable to eat meals fortified with vitamins or vitamin preparations for the health. - Do you take oral contraceptives increases the need for vitamins?
It is known that estrogen in the pill affects the balance of vitamins, particularly vitamin B6. If oral contraceptives containing a high concentration of Alastrouhan it is advisable to take up additional amounts of vitamin B6 and folic acid. And you should consult your doctor before taking such preparations. - Do drugs affect my needs vitamins?
Permanent use of some medications may affect the balance of vitamins by affecting the absorption of vitamins, way to take advantage of them, method of storage, and put forward rate of the body. For example, some antibiotics affect the needs of vitamin B-2 and C, oral contraceptives affect the B6 and folic acid, sedatives on the B-2, analgesics on folic acid and vitamin C, and diuretics on folic acid. - Are food processing destroys vitamins in the food?
Because vitamins affected by heat, moisture, air and light are prone to destruction during processing. Most lose heat because of the destruction (bleaching plant leaves blanching, pasteurization pasteurization, sterilization sterilization). Could happen during the stages of canning or even freezing, because the frozen food tend him active substances first by bleaching blanched to stop the activity of enzymes and kill microbes. - Healthy food choices Good food choices
Generally must include meals and in particular diet (diet) to all foods, there is no good foods and bad foods. Some species, however, should be eaten in larger quantities while should be eaten others sparingly.
What are the amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fat should I eat?
The diet should consist health of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the following proportions:
And helps the food pyramid, below, to determine the approximate amounts of food that should be addressed. In general, control your weight and improve your health, try eating more foods that are located at the bottom of the pyramid and a little of that, which is located in the head. And eating these foods sparingly composed you have a balanced diet without a lot of extra calories.
Use specific amounts of each type of food so that your daily routine to eat
- What happens if I miss what I need vitamins for a day or two?